Accidents happen, and one of the scariest ones you can face is a knocked-out tooth. If this occurs, it’s important not to panic. In fact, acting quickly and calmly could save your tooth, even if it comes completely out. Here’s what you should do if you or someone you know accidentally loses a tooth.
Step 1: Find the Tooth
If the tooth in question is a baby tooth, apply clean gauze to the gum and tooth socket for about 15 minutes to help stop any bleeding. Your child’s baby tooth cannot be reimplanted if it is knocked out, as this can cause issues later with the permanent tooth. Be sure to take your child to the emergency dentist as soon as possible, even if the tooth was almost ready to fall out prior to the injury.
For a permanent (adult) tooth, apply clean gauze and follow steps 2-4.
Step 2: Rinse the Tooth
Rinse the tooth gently with tap water while holding it by the top. Do not rub or scrub the tooth, and do not touch the root.
Step 3: Store the Tooth Properly for Transport
The best way to store your tooth for transport is to place it back into the socket it just came out of. Gently place it in your mouth in its normal position, and don’t worry if it sticks out a bit. Bite down gently on some gauze or a wet tea bag to help hold it in position and hold onto your socket. An adult or older child may be able to place the tooth between their cheek and gums if this does not work, however do not attempt this with a younger child. If this cannot be done, place the tooth in milk or an OTC tooth preservation solution.
Never soak a tooth in water, saltwater, alcohol, or mouthwash.
Step 4: Call Your Dentist Immediately
Now that your tooth is stabilized, call your emergency dentist as soon as possible. If you cannot reach them, or you cannot speak, go to a hospital emergency room immediately. Be sure to bring the tooth with you no matter where you end up going. Your dentist will advise you of what to do next.
Remember, acting quickly could be the difference between a lost tooth and an injured but viable tooth, so time is of the essence in this type of emergency. While nobody ever wants to be in this situation, knowing the correct steps to take and keeping a calm demeanor can make a world of difference.
About Our Practice
At Family Dentistry of Boynton Beach, our dentists know that accidents happen. That’s why we offer emergency dentistry services, including same-day and weekend care. If you have lost your tooth in an accident, or you are suffering from any other dental emergency, please contact us as soon as possible for immediate assistance. We can be reached urgently via telephone at 561-737-1223.